One of the senior engineers at my job is a big fan of PlantUML, so I recommended it to one of the junior guys who needed a diagramming tool. I’ve been taking a look myself since I have never had a goto diagramming tool.
PlantUML is text based language. You can define structs and their relationships with other items. There are a lot of keywords, which can be a bit confusing, but it generates pretty good diagrams.
Here is the text for a system diagram and the image it generates below.
actor actor [
a user
database postgres
queue celery
stack redis
node django [
Django webservice
node worker [
Turtle Detector
boundary boundary [
cloud cloud [
actor --> cloud
cloud --> boundary
boundary --> django
django --> postgres
django --> celery
celery -> worker
worker -> redis
redis --> django

Here is the code for a smaller class relationship diagram.
class User {
+customerId : String
~submissions : Submission[]
class Submission {
-size : int[][]
#image : int[][]
User <|-- Submission
class TurtleModel {
~model : Pytorch.GAN