Querying complex JSON objects in AWS Athena

AWS Athena is a managed big data query system based on S3 and Presto. It supports a bunch of big data formats like JSON, CSV, Parquet, ION, etc. Schemas are applied at query time via AWS Glue. 

To get started with Athena you define your Glue table in the Athena UI and start writing SQL queries. For my project I’ve been working on heavily nested JSON. The schema for this data is very involved so I opted to just use JSON path and skip defining my schema in AWS Glue. Of course that was after I wasted two days trying to figure out how to do it. 

Setting up AWS Athena JSON tables

AWS Athena requires that your JSON objects be single line. That means you can’t have pretty printed JSON in your S3 bucket. 

    "key" : "value",
    "hats" : ["sombrero", "bowler", "panama"]

If your JSON files look like the example above they won’t work. You have to remove line breaks so your json objects take up a single line.


One tripping point is that its not obvious in the docs how to define your table if you aren’t going to use Glue schemas.  

My dataset consists of S3 objects that look like this. 

            "date": "2020-02-24",
            "qualifier": "Turnips",
                    "type": " bike",
                    "date": "2022-01-14",
                    "xy" : {
                        "xy-01": 1432
                    "type": "pen",
                    "date": "2021-07-11",
                    "xy" : {
                        "xy-01": 11
                    "type": "pencil",
                    "date": "2021-07-11",
                    "xy" : {
                        "xy-01": 67
            "date": "2021 - 03 - 15",
            "qualifier": "Arnold",
                    "type": "mineral",
                    "date": "2010-01-30",
                    "xy" : {
                        "xy-01": 182
            "date": "2020-02-24",
            "qualifier": "Camera",
                    "type": "machine",
                    "date": "2022-09-14",
                    "xy" : {
                        "xy-01": 13
                    "type": "animal",
                    "date": "2021-07-11",
                    "xy" : {
                        "xy-01": 87

To use Athena and JSON Path for a nested JSON object like this. You simply define a single column called “data” with a string type and you are done. 

Setting up an Athena table for complex JSON object queries.

Then you query using JSON Path like this. 

Example of a simple JSON PATH Athena query

    json_extract_scalar(data, '$.component1.date') as service_date, 
    json_extract_scalar(data, '$.component2.objects[0].type') as component2_json,
    json_extract_scalar(data, '$["component3"]["objects"][0]["xy"]["xy-01"]') as xy_value
FROM "athena_blog_post"

Note that the json_extract and json_extract_scalar functions take a string column as their argument.

One thing to watch out for is that the dash character “-” is banned from the first type of JSON Path. So you might have to use the bracket notation instead.

Using the UNNEST operator to pivot and flatten JSON arrays of objects.

Often when working with JSON data you will have arrays of objects. You might want to split each entry in a nested array into its own row. This can be accomplished with the UNNEST operator.

Using the UNNEST operator to pull data from nested arrays into rows.

Here we have used json_extract to retrieve a nested JSON object. Then we cast it into a json array which the UNNEST operator accepts.

SELECT  json_extract_scalar(data, '$.component1.date') as service_date, 
		json_extract_scalar(components, '$.date') as component_date,
		json_extract_scalar(components, '$.type') as component_type,
FROM "athena_blog_post"
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(CAST(json_extract(data, '$.component1.objects') as array(json))) as t (components)

What is your design budget

We all want to have good longterm software architecture. Build it right the first time. But some organizations fall into the trap of trying to get a perfect design before they start building.

They include more stakeholders, try to plan for contingencies, develop a high availability strategy. 

Those things are all good to have. But you don’t need them before you have users. If you have no users you shouldn’t be thinking about high availability. If your product doesn’t work yet you don’t need scalability.

Users > working product > scaling limitations > high availability

Another problem is having a committee to approve architecture proposals. One or two people is fine. But having three or more people who can block the start of the project is a recipe for pointless delays.

The reason we switched to agile methodologies is because it’s hard to know what the difficulties will be before you start building the software.

Be careful to structure your organization such that design doesn’t become more important than delivery.

A working product with customers is always more valuable than a product that doesn’t have customers but is highly available.

A design budget is a way to avoid falling into this trap. Simply budget a week or a month or whatever for designing up front. At the end of that time enforce a hard stop on doing more design. No more committee reviews or deliberation. If the architecture isn’t developed enough to start building, do a spike on a smaller scale.